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Does Cubicle decor reflect your personality?

I get a kick walking around our corporate office looking at everyone's different cubicle decor. Some of it is pretty cool and homey looking and some of them are about as "plain Jane" as they come. I have noticed that alot of them are decorated in the "mom" decor, meaning that they have pictures of their kids and the activities they participate in. They also have a collection of art that the kids have made for them to display. This seems to be most popular theme. Then you have the guys that have a sports theme, mainly golf or football.

I am a Dallas Cowboys fan, but I can only stand so much of the blue, silver and stars in my view. Watching and supporting a team is one thing but to toatally live for a team that plays less than 20 games a year is alittle far fetched for my taste. However, with golf, I do understand that this can be played year round. As with mine? I am a Office nerd. My whole cubicle is done in the Dunder Mifflin Office theme. This is a ficticious show that for some reason I can relate to.

I am not judging anyone but am just wondering how some people define their personalities with how they decorate their office space since most of us spend over half our lifes at work. Care to share?


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This is my small “cubed” space in the giant blogosphere. Here I can write my rants, raves and musings on Office Life, Ecology, Sports, Diabetes and Trekkie subjects. I have been asked – what is my Cubicle? Well, a cubicle can be defined as your workplace, your laptop, your home office, your car, on the bus, on the transit train, your personal space at home and even your Wi-Fi space at your local Starbucks or Borders Bookstore. To me, my “cubicle” is where I can be me without any outside interference.
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